Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dentists watch out!

Meet Siyabonga (See-ya-bone-ga)
The story below is told by Auntie Angee who is the tour leader for the group I am joining.

ACC33: Our visit to
the dentist was an
interesting one. The
c h i l d r e n have only
been on UK soil for two weeks so
they’re still getting used to everything,
never mind being stuck in a
scary chair with bright lights shining
on you and a man asking you to
open wide while he has a sharp
metal object in his hand!
The kids that were seen did beautifully,
although when it came to Siyabonga
getting his tooth pulled out it only took one look at
the metal plyers to send his jaw clamping
down on the dentist’s finger, drawing
blood! The dentist was very patient and very
understanding and we all had a good
laugh about it…once Siyabonga was finished,
that is.

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