Monday, January 12, 2009

Did I tell you I'm sponsoring Bridget?

Did I tell you I'm sponsoring Bridget? Did you know that you can sponsor a Choir Child for just $50.00 a month? Did you guess that I don't really know how I'm going to pay every month? I'm believing and praying that God will provide for me so that I can share it with Music for Life to help them take care of her and pay for her education. If you want to know more email me at and I can answer any questions you might have!

Auntie Jenny and Bridget last year on Vancouver Island, B.C.

Oh, how I miss this pretty girl!


Connie said...

How awesome that you are sponsoring Bridget!! I'm so happy for you! I know how special our sponsorship has been with our sponsor child whom we hosted. It will be even more special for you since you spent the past year and a half taking care of her! How did you manage to sponsor her? Didn't she have a sponsor?

Jenny said...

Unfortunately, we have a very high number of sponsors that "drop". For whatever reason, one of her sponsors couldn't continue making the monthly commitment. There are other Choir #30 kids that also need sponsors! I would LOVE it if some people I know could sponsor my kids!

Unknown said...

This is such a testament to faith, Thanks Jenny!